Gaits of Change
Telephone: 949.701.5271
Most programs seek out Gaits of Change consulting because they have big dreams and need a strategic plan to achieve their goals. Programs need to be motivated or find solutions to the problems they are encountering with funding, staff, board or volunteers. Often times, emotions, passion and desires get in the way of the team moving forward due to lack of systems, logistics and a carefully designed strategic plan. Gaits of Change believes in listening to the key members of the organization, conducting a program assessment and facilitating S.W.O.T. analysis with all the key investors in the organization. The S.W.O.T analysis gives a true picture of the organization and the community’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats resulting in the ability of the organization to set goals logically. The goal setting and measurable objectives set the path for the strategic, time-lined plan. The strategic plan, once set, can be either followed on your own or with Sandy’s assistance as a mentor and sounding board. We offer the following areas of expertise and guidance:
The need for a capital campaign usually starts with a dream and a need in the community. However, passion and the incredible need alone do not build a building or obtain the long term ownership of land needed to sustain your program’s longevity. The development of a capital campaign is a science that starts with the present program assessment, aligning with the best practices, S.W.O.T analysis, goal setting, strategic planning and finally the steps of the capital campaign. Sandy can facilitate your staff and board through the necessary steps of the strategic planning process to the point of developing the capital campaign.
Motivational Speaking
Everyone has personal fears and obstacles to overcome. Learn how to understand and break down the barriers your fears create. You will gain important insight on overcoming the impossible in a methodical manner, which will grant you success and the ability to overcome real life challenges.