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Gaits of Change
Telephone: 949.701.5271

Gaits of Change

Where Every Journey Begins With A First Stride

Program Consulting & Strategic Planning

Targeted programs for Structural Development, Capital Campaigns, Volunteer Management, and Motivational Speaking.

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Interactive Vaulting

Step into the world of Interactive Vaulting and how it can benefit your program, including workshops and certifications.

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Registered Instructor Training & Workshops

Gain a clear understanding of the Registered level and the steps to take to reach your goals as well as available workshops and certifications.

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Gain valuable insight on how to become a mentor or to sign up with Sandy to have her help you through your certification journey.

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Advanced Instructor Training & Workshops

Gain a clear understanding of the Advanced level and the steps to take to reach your goals as well as available workshops and certifications.

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Horse Training & Education

Learn about exciting methods and training techniques to help keep your equine partners fit for EAAT and other riding disciplines.

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